100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali - 2024

Upcoming Yoga Course Date:

1st Jul to 10th Jul 2024

Fees Start from: US$ 1100

Book Your Seat Now
  • Welcome Ceremony In Yoga School
  • Certification Ceremony Of Yoga Students
  • Meditation With Yoga Teacher In Bali
  • yoga students performing yoga near a water pond
  • Maa Shakti Yog Bali Yoga students
  • yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in bali
  • Girls performing yoga with yoga teacher
  • Yoga teacher correcting student yoga pose
  • Girl performing a yoga pose
  • Yoga Teacher SAVITRI DEVI JI
  • kalawa in hand tied by pandit
  • Hawan Ceremony In Yoga School Bali
  • Girl performing Jala Neti
  • Indian Man performing Pranayama
  • Welcome Ceremony In Yoga School
  • Certification Ceremony Of Yoga Students
  • Meditation With Yoga Teacher In Bali
  • yoga students performing yoga near a water pond
  • Maa Shakti Yog Bali Yoga students
  • yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in bali
  • Girls performing yoga with yoga teacher
  • Yoga teacher correcting student yoga pose
  • Girl performing a yoga pose
  • Yoga Teacher SAVITRI DEVI JI
  • kalawa in hand tied by pandit
  • Hawan Ceremony In Yoga School Bali
  • Girl performing Jala Neti
  • Indian Man performing Pranayama

10 Days - 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Bali, Indonesia

If you're looking for a 100 hour yoga teacher training in Bali, Then, Maa Shakti Yog offers a yoga course that is suitable for beginners. The 100 Hours Yoga ttc can be completed in just 10 days, making it perfect for those with busy schedules. During the course, you will have the opportunity to explore the depth of yoga under the guidance of experienced and well-qualified yoga teachers.

Despite the short duration of the course, the 100 hour yoga teacher training in bali covers all the important details and fundamentals of yoga. The yoga classes start early in the morning and continue throughout the day with breaks for yogic food and rest.

One of the most interesting things about 100 hour yoga teacher training is that you can switch to the 200 hour yoga teacher training at any time. If you initially enroll in the 100 hour yoga ttc and decide later to continue your training, you can join the 200 Hour Yoga TTC after completing the initial 100 hours. With Maa Shakti Yog, you can make your journey of yoga teacher training a seamless and rewarding experience.

Yoga Teacher Training in Bali with Yogic Food and Eco-Friendly Accommodation

yogic food

Yogic Food

  • 3 meals a day (100% Veg Organic)
  • Water/Coffee/Tea/Detox Juices
  • Vegan and Gluten-Free
  • Seasonal vegetables
  • Yogic diet
  • Other dietary requirements on request
dining area


  • Dining Area
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Luggage Room / Storage
  • Multilingual staff
  • Garden/Restaurant
  • Smoke-free property
easy to access

Easy to Access

  • Cafe nearby
  • Restaurant nearby
  • Books & Stationery store
  • River nearby
  • Convenience/Grocery store nearby
  • Cyber (Internet) Cafe nearby
  • Tour & Travel agencies nearby
outdoor excursions

Outdoor Excursions

  • Bali's traditional ceremony
  • Traditional Temple
  • Beach
  • Ubud Monkey Forest

Daily Schedule for 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training:

  • 06:30 - 07:30Pranayama &Meditation
  • 08:00 - 09:30Asana (Hatha, Iyengar and Alignment - Intro to the technique and practice)
  • 09:30 - 10:00Breakfast
  • 11:00 - 13:00Teaching Methodology, Anatomy - Physiology, Alignment and Adjustment
  • 13:00 - 14:00Lunch Break
  • 14:00 - 15:30Rest or Self study
  • 15:30 - 16:30Philosophy (History of Yoga , Yog darshan )
  • 16:30 - 18:00Asana (Vinyasa and Flow)
  • 18:10 - 18:30Yog Nidra and Sound Healing
  • 19:00Dinner

Course Syllabus For: 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali

Asana is a Sanskrit word that means, "Yogic Postures or Movements". Traditionally defines, asana means "Comfortable Seat", which means, it is a seated posture used in meditation.

Yoga poses that you will learn in 100 hour yoga ttc.

  • Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
  • Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
  • Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I Pose)
  • Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II Pose)
  • Parsvakonasana (Side Angle Pose)
  • Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)
  • Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)
  • Balasana (Child's Pose)
  • Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
  • Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
  • Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
  • Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
  • Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Pranayama, also known as breathing exercise is the foundation of yoga practice. "Prana" means breath and "Ayama" means to control; on combined, "Pranayama" means "to control or hold the breath".

The pranayama syllabus for a 100 hour yoga teacher training in bali typically covers the following techniques and concepts:

  • Introduction to Pranayama- meaning, benefits, and precautions
  • Anatomy of Breathing- understanding the respiratory system and diaphragmatic breathing
  • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)- techniques and variations
  • Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull Shining Breathing)- techniques and variations
  • Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath)- techniques and variations
  • Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)- techniques and variations
  • Sheetali Pranayama (Cooling Breath)- techniques and variations
  • Sheetkari Pranayama (Hissing Breath)- techniques and variations
  • Bandhas (Energy Locks)- understanding the three bandhas and their benefits
  • Mudras (Gestures)- understanding the importance of mudras in pranayama practice and their benefits.

Observing your deep breaths which facilitate to still your mind for a few minutes, where it is away from all the unnecessary aspects; this is meditation. There are mainly 4 types of meditation styles you'll focus on, i.e., Traditional Himalayan Meditation, Healing Meditation, Crystal Meditation, and Sound Meditation.

The meditation syllabus for a 100 hour yoga teacher training typically covers the following :

  • Introduction to meditation and its benefits
  • Types of meditation: concentration, mindfulness, loving-kindness, etc.
  • Techniques of meditation: breath awareness, body scan, visualization, mantra, etc.
  • Practice of meditation: sitting, walking, standing, lying down, etc.
  • Obstacles in meditation and ways to overcome them
  • Creating a personal meditation practice
  • Teaching meditation to others: communication, instruction, sequencing, etc.
  • Incorporating meditation into yoga classes
  • Meditation in daily life: developing mindfulness, stress reduction, emotional balance, etc.

Chanting the powerful, spiritual mantras helps in the union of the body with the mind. It will surely give you a deeply philosophical experience.

The mantra chanting syllabus for a 100 hour yoga teacher training typically covers the following :

  • Introduction to Mantra Chanting: Understanding the significance of mantra chanting in yoga, the benefits, and how it can be used as a tool for relaxation and meditation.

  • Basics of Sanskrit Language: Introduction to the Sanskrit language, learning the pronunciation of Sanskrit alphabets and basic vocabulary.

  • Basic Mantras: Learning simple mantras such as 'Om' and 'Shanti' and their meaning and significance in yoga.

  • Mantras for Meditation: Learning mantras for meditation such as 'Gayatri Mantra', 'Mahamrityunjaya Mantra', 'Om Namah Shivaya' and more.

  • Bhakti Yoga: Understanding the devotional aspect of yoga, and how mantra chanting can be used as a tool for spiritual growth.

  • Group Chanting: Practicing mantra chanting in a group, understanding the power of collective vibrations and how it can enhance the benefits of mantra chanting.

  • Mantra Therapy: Understanding the therapeutic aspect of mantra chanting, how it can be used to alleviate physical, mental and emotional ailments.

  • Integrating Mantra Chanting in Yoga Classes: Learning how to integrate mantra chanting in yoga classes as a teacher, and how to make it an integral part of yoga practice.

Anatomy deals with the bodily structure of an individual and how to protect from injuries. In the yoga teacher training classes, they conduct the theoretical class of Anatomy too.

The Anatomy and Physiology syllabus for a 100-hour yoga teacher training program includes the following topics:

  1. Introduction to human anatomy and physiology
  2. The skeletal system and its importance in yoga practice
  3. The muscular system and its importance in yoga practice
  4. The respiratory system and its importance in pranayama
  5. The nervous system and its importance in meditation and yoga practice
  6. The circulatory system and its importance in yoga practice
  7. The digestive system and its importance in yoga practice and diet
  8. Common injuries and precautions in yoga practice
  9. Modifications and adjustments for different body types and physical conditions

The aim of this syllabus is to provide an understanding of how the human body works and how it relates to yoga practice. This knowledge can help yoga teachers to teach their students safely and effectively, and to make modifications and adjustments as necessary to meet the individual needs of their students.

The yoga teacher training courses focus on body alignments, which means doing poses or asanas in an effortless state of body, according to the body composition of an individual. Alignments are very significant to understand any style of yoga practice.

The Alignment and Adjustment syllabus for a 100-hour yoga teacher training program includes the following topics:

  1. Introduction to Alignment and Adjustment
  • Understanding the importance of proper alignment and adjustment in yoga practice
  • Principles and benefits of alignment and adjustment
  1. Basic Yoga Asanas and Their Alignments
  • Key alignment cues for foundational yoga poses, such as Tadasana, Downward-Facing Dog, Warrior I and II, and Tree Pose
  • Hands-on adjustments for these poses
  1. Common Misalignments and Injuries in Yoga
  • Understanding common mistakes and misalignments in yoga poses
  • Identifying and preventing potential injuries
  1. Adjusting and Assisting Students in Yoga Practice
  • Verbal and hands-on adjustments for different body types and levels of practice
  • Developing sensitivity and intuition in adjusting and assisting students
  1. Ethics of Touch and Adjustments in Yoga
  • Understanding boundaries and consent in yoga adjustments
  • Creating a safe and supportive environment for students
  1. Advanced Asanas and Adjustments
  • Introduction to more challenging yoga poses, such as inversions, arm balances, and backbends
  • Advanced adjustment techniques for these poses
  1. Sequencing and Teaching with Alignment and Adjustment
  • Incorporating alignment and adjustment principles into yoga class sequencing
  • Developing the skills to teach and adjust students with confidence
  1. Practice Teaching and Feedback
  • Practice teaching with a focus on alignment and adjustment
  • Receiving constructive feedback from teachers and peers
  1. Review and Integration
  • Reviewing key alignment and adjustment principles and techniques
  • Integrating alignment and adjustment into personal practice and teaching.

Philosophy here means Yoga Philosophy which includes the systemic study of the body, mind, and spirit of an individual.

The philosophy syllabus for a 100-hour yoga teacher training program includes the following topics:

  • Introduction to yoga philosophy and its relevance to modern life
  • Study of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and its interpretation
  • Exploration of the Eight Limbs of Yoga and their practical applications in daily life
  • Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita and its teachings
  • Study of the three Gunas and their impact on human behavior
  • Understanding of the concept of Karma and its relevance to life
  • Introduction to Ayurveda and its connection to yoga philosophy
  • Exploration of the chakra system and its relationship with yoga practice
  • Understanding of the concept of Dharma and its application in daily life
  • Study of different yoga traditions and their philosophical underpinnings.

Yoga Mudras means "gesture" that facilitates the flow of energy in the body of an individual. Treating under the heading of Yoga Mudras, Bandhas is body locks in yoga.

The Mudra and Bandhas syllabus for a 100-hour yoga teacher training program includes the following topics:

  • Introduction to Mudras and Bandhas
  • Types of Mudras: Hand Mudras, Head Mudras, Postural Mudras, Lock Mudras, and Perineal Mudras
  • Benefits of Mudras and Bandhas
  • Application of Mudras and Bandhas in Asana, Pranayama, and Meditation practices
  • Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Mudras and Bandhas
  • Techniques of performing Mudras and Bandhas
  • Precautions and Contraindications
  • Teaching methodology for Mudras and Bandhas
  • Practice teaching of Mudras and Bandhas
  • Integration of Mudras and Bandhas in yoga sequences

Shatkarmas is basically the six purification techniques that aim to clean the body, free from all diseases. More than this, it improves the flow of prana into the organs of the body.

The Shatkarmas syllabus for a 100-hour yoga teacher training program includes the following topics:

  • Neti (nasal cleansing): Jala neti, Sutra neti
  • Dhauti (cleansing of digestive tract): Vastra dhauti
  • Nauli (abdominal massage): Madhyama nauli, Vama nauli, Daksina nauli
  • Basti (colon cleansing): Jala basti, Sthala basti
  • Kapalabhati (breathing exercise): Bhastrika, Kapalabhati
  • Trataka (meditative gazing): Candle flame trataka, Black dot trataka

During the Shatkarmas portion of the yoga teacher training, students can learn the techniques, practice them, and also learn about the benefits, contraindications, and precautions. It is also important to learn about the traditional context and cultural significance of these practices.

Teaching methodology in the yoga courses specifically aim in providing a nurturing environment to students, making lesson plans, setting class environment, and conducting classes regarding various yogic practices for gaining enough confidence and awareness on building a good student-teacher relationship.

The Teaching methodology syllabus for a 100-hour yoga teacher training program includes the following topics:

  • Teaching skills:This includes techniques for effective communication, how to give clear instructions, how to use voice and body language, how to create a positive and supportive environment, and how to manage different types of students.

  • Lesson planning:This includes how to plan and sequence a yoga class, how to choose appropriate asanas, pranayama, and meditation practices, how to modify the class for different levels of students, and how to create a safe and balanced class.

  • Teaching practice:This includes opportunities for participants to practice teaching and receiving feedback from the trainers and other participants.

  • Ethics and professionalism:This includes understanding the ethical principles of yoga teaching, creating professional boundaries, maintaining student confidentiality, and creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students.

  • Business skills:This includes basic business skills such as marketing, branding, and how to create and maintain a successful yoga teaching career.

  • Adjustments and modifications:This includes understanding how to make adjustments and modifications to the asanas for different levels of students and how to use props and modifications to make the class safe and accessible to all.

  • Classroom management:This includes understanding how to manage the class and how to create a positive and supportive environment for all students.

Overall, the teaching methodology syllabus aims to help participants develop the skills and knowledge needed to become effective and confident yoga teachers.

  • Maa Shakti Yog Bali Students In Welcome Ceremony
  • Certification Ceremony Of Yoga Students
  • Meditation With Yoga Teacher In Bali
  • Yoga students performing yoga near a water pond
  • Maa Shakti Yog Bali Yoga students
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Maa Shakti Yog Bali Students In Welcome Ceremony
  • Certification Ceremony Of Yoga Students
  • Meditation With Yoga Teacher In Bali
  • Yoga students performing yoga near a water pond
  • Maa Shakti Yog Bali Yoga students
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali
  • Yoga teacher training passout students with certificates in Bali

Accommodation and Facilities

Maa Shakti Yog is the perfect destination for those looking to enroll in a 100-hour yoga teacher training in Bali or 100-hour Yoga TTC in Bali. Our yoga school is located in the charming town of Ubud, surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery and an artistic ambiance that will invigorate your senses.

Our accommodations for 100-hour yoga teacher training students are designed to offer you the utmost comfort and relaxation. Each room is equipped with modern amenities and provides a tranquil space with magnificent views that will soothe your mind and spirit. The yoga school also features a spacious lounge where you can unwind and connect with like-minded yogis, as well as a large swimming pool where you can refresh and recharge after a long day of practice.

At Maa Shakti Yog, we understand that yoga is more than just a physical practice. That's why we provide opportunities to explore the rich culture of Bali through cultural activities, local cuisine, and guided excursions. Immerse yourself in the vibrant ambiance of Bali and deepen your practice with Yoga in Bali with Maa Shakti Yog. Experience the transformative power of yoga in one of the most beautiful and spiritual locations in the world. Come join us and start your journey towards becoming a certified yoga teacher.


  • Spa
  • Swimming Pool
  • Air-Conditioned Rooms
  • Dining Area
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Garden
  • Luggage Room/storage
  • Meditation Garden
  • Multilingual Staff
  • Restaurant
  • Yoga Deck
  • Yoga Shala
  • Yoga Studio
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Internet Access
  • Parking Lot
  • Tour Assistance
  • Wireless Internet

During the 100-hour yoga teacher training, you will stay in a spacious room with an ensuite bathroom, a working desk, a sofa, overlooking the pool.

  • Maa Shakti Yog Bali Students In Welcome Ceremony
  • Certification Ceremony Of Yoga Students
  • Meditation With Yoga Teacher In Bali
  • Yoga students performing yoga near a water pond
  • Maa Shakti Yog Bali Students In Welcome Ceremony
  • Certification Ceremony Of Yoga Students
  • Meditation With Yoga Teacher In Bali
  • Yoga students performing yoga near a water pond

Healthy Yogic Food

Maa Shakti Yog believes that “when the diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When the diet is correct, medicine is of no need” (Ayurvedic Proverb).

We believe that a healthy diet is an essential component of any yoga teacher training. As an Ayurveda-inspired yoga center, we understand the importance of nourishing your body with the right foods to support your 100-hour yoga practice in Bali.

Our yogic food program is an integral part of our yoga programs in Bali. We offer delicious, all-vegetarian meals made from seasonal vegetables, fresh fruits, and juices. Our meals are cooked fresh daily to ensure that you receive all the necessary nutrients to fuel your body for your yogic practices.

We take great care in preparing our meals, using only the freshest ingredients and cooking techniques that are in line with Ayurvedic principles. Our menu is designed to support your body and mind throughout your training, providing you with the energy and sustenance you need to deepen your practice and achieve your goals.

At Maa Shakti Yog, we understand that food is medicine. That's why we prioritize healthy and nourishing meals to support your journey towards becoming a certified yoga teacher. Come join us for our 100-hour yoga teacher training or 100-hour YTTC in Bali and experience the transformative power of yoga and food.

The following dietary requirements are served:

  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan and Gluten-Free
  • Other dietary requirements on request

The following meals are included:

  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Dinner
  • Drinks

The following drinks are included:

  • Water
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Detox juices

100 Hour Yoga TTC Upcoming Course Dates and Fees

Reserve your seat on any one of our available dates.

Date: 1st May to 10th May 2024

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)

Seats:7 Left

Date: 1st Jun to 10th Jun 2024

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)

Seats:All Seats Booked

Date: 1st Jul to 10th Jul 2024

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)

Seats: 5 Left

Date: 1st Aug to 10th Aug 2024

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)

Seats:5 Left

Date: 1st Sep to 10th Sep 2024

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)

Seats:5 Left

Date: 1st Oct to 10th Oct 2024

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)

Seats:5 Left

Date: 1st Nov to 10th Nov 2024

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)

Seats:5 Left

Date: 1st Dec to 10th Dec 2024

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)

Seats:5 Left

What's Included In 100 Hour Yoga TTC

  • Transfer from airport DPS to School
  • 10 nights accommodation (including 1 night free that you can choose to take before or after the training)
  • 3 vegetarian meals per day during the course
  • Herbal teas and healthy juices
  • Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga, Iyengar Hatha yoga sessions
  • Teaching Methodology, Anatomy, and Philosophy classes
  • Meditation, Pranayama, and Mantra Chanting
  • Studies materials
  • Eligible to register with Yoga Alliance upon completion of this training
  • Excursions and Traditional cultural activities
  • Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing
  • Certificate of completion - Yoga Alliance Certificate (RYT)

Outdoor Excursions During Yoga Program In Bali

bali swing park
  • Bali Swing Park

  • Ubud, Bali
pura tirta empul
  • Pura Tirta Empul

  • Tampaksiring, Bali
blue lagoon beach
  • Blue Lagoon Beach

  • Padangbai, Bali
  • Waterfall

  • Ubud, Bali

Payment Policy

Maa Shakti Yog's policy regarding the 100 hour yoga teacher training in Bali fees is that generally, all fees are non-refundable. Should a change in scheduling occur at the school's direction, the student may transfer fees from one course to another if requested at least 5 days before the start of that course. If a student withdraws from the 100 hour Yoga TTC under any circumstances, fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

If a student need to cancel the booking, he/she will be given the option to join a later 100 hour yoga teacher training course. This option can be taken within a time-span of two years. Should a student forgo with this option, a new deposit payment does not apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, a 100-hour yoga teacher training program can be suitable for beginners as it provides a foundational understanding of yoga.

Benefits of completing a 100-hour yoga teacher training program include gaining a deeper understanding of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology, as well as certification to teach yoga.

No, it is not necessary to complete a 100-hour yoga teacher training program to teach yoga, but it can provide valuable education and certification to enhance one's teaching skills.

A 100-hour yoga teacher training program is an educational program designed to teach students how to teach yoga, while a yoga retreat is typically focused on practicing yoga and mindfulness without the intention of becoming a yoga teacher.

Completing a 100-hour yoga teacher training program can provide opportunities to work as a yoga teacher in gyms, yoga studios, schools, and other health and wellness facilities.

The minimum and maximum class sizes for a 100-hour yoga teacher training program may vary, but typically range from 15-20 students.

The average cost of a 100-hour yoga teacher training program varies, but typically ranges from $1,000 to $3,000 USD

There is no age restrictions for enrolling in a 100-hour yoga teacher training program, but typically require students to be 16 years or older.

No, there are no such recognized certifications for completing a 100-hour yoga teacher training program, but you will get a completion certificate from maa shakti yog school.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Bali

  • Duration: 10 Days/9 Nights
  • Level: Beginner
  • Certification: Yoga Alliance, USA
  • Style: Hatha, Vinyasa,Yin, Ashtanga
  • Food: All Meals(Vegan/Vegetarian) Included

Upcoming Dates:

  • 1st to 10th Jul 2024
  • 1st to 10th Aug 2024
  • 1st to 10th Sep 2024

Course Fee:

  • USD 1100(Shared Room)
  • USD 1500(Private Room)
BookYour Seat